15. For the Dark Night of the Soul

In this episode, I'm talking to those in the dark night of the soul. We're discussing depressive symptoms that can come with faith crisis and how to work through them. I mention suicide ideation and refer to 988 (the US's national suicide prevention hotline).

Disclaimer: I am not a therapist or psychiatrist. I am speaking from my personal and work experience, my trauma-informed life coaching certifications, and my research. I believe normalizing talking about these topics and sharing the expertise I do have is important to make mental health more accessible. If you work with me and we need more tools in our mental health tool belt, I will refer you out as needed. 

Hang out with me on Instagram @coachjosiejohnson and learn how to work with me at


St. John of the Cross Poem where the term "dark night of the soul" came from:

Article with more information on dark nights of the soul:

Faith Crisis TED talk:

Lonliness and physical pain:,(from%201.8%20to%201.5).

Clip from Pixar's The Good Dinosaur:

Executive Functioning podcast episode:

More on executive functioning: