I've been accused of asking too many questions since primary. Now I get paid to ask them for a living.
Let's start with this favorite one penned by the great Mary Oliver in her poem The Summer Day:
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with
your one wild and precious life?
My Coaching Philosophy
In short, I love life and people so I help people love their lives.
(In long...) To me, being a life coach is a great honor and privilege.
I like my emojis, pop culture references, and bright colors AND I take this work dead seriously. I am quite earnest about it. (Hence the many paragraphs to follow.)
I see my clients as potential heroes and leaders. I am inspired by ordinary people doing extaordinary things throughout human history and we never know what our impact will be.
As a coach, I get to help good people transform their self image and consciously step into the leadership role in their own life.
I help them clean up their limiting beliefs and hit goals that impact them, their loved ones, their communities, and create small and big, positive ripple affects in the world.
Some of the themes I help my clients with include:
- Feeling alive again after experiencing life-changing events, grief, and crisis
- Breaking old patterns of thoughts and habits of actions that aren't in line with who they want to be
- Seeing and enjoying the magic of everyday life
- Taking risks and breaking rules that cause them suffering because “if we’re not risking, we’re not living" (Viola Davis)
- Realizing their power in sucky circumstances and claiming their inklings of agency
- Loving themselves and others despite their messy humanness while still advocating for personal, relational, and social growth
Some specific topics I've coached on include:
- Rekindling a fun sex life with their partner post-menopause
- Creating clarity around how to interact in the family text thread where you feel like the blacksheep now that you've left church
- Overcoming perfectionist habits such as procrastination and critical self talk around time management and test taking in college
- Developing a more confident body image no matter what the number on the scale says
- Knowing how to approach a longtime friendship as a devout Christian with someone who you believe is deceived by Satan
- Trying to manage a thriving business while grieving the death of a parent
- Creating a plan for after school that prevents mama from yelling at her very strong, not-listening-to-instructions-that-were-given-17-times-patiently children
- Figuring out a plan for General Conference weekend (insert any religious holiday) when your spouse no longer believes and doesn't seem supportive of your belief
- Feeling proud and owning the result of creating a multi-million business despite thinking it's a fluke
- Making the decision of whether to euthenize a beloved, suffering ill pet cat or not
- Reviewing a night where you drank more than you'd wanted to and approaching that with love and compassion rather than shame and self loathing
- Decluttering a home to make room for an office (we decluttered together on the call)

This is a mission driven business.
Josie Johnson Coaching is ultimately here to help people live meaningful lives.
We do that by helping you:
- Take action according to your values and priorities so that you feel proud of how you lived when you die
- Overcome fear and unhelpful belief patterns so that you can accomplish seemingly impossible goals
- Feel better - as in, increase your emotional stamina which will allow for a richer life experience
- And, develop secure, positive relationships with each other in spite of differences.
We are also committed to making the world a better place for all people to live in by giving back to organizations that are doing impactful work for humankind. We donate a percentage of every purchase to the following non-profit organizations:
If something isn't blantantly impossible,
then there must be a way of doing it.
Sir Nicholas Winton, humble Holocaust hero for 669 children and their families
My Coaching Values and Style

If a coach doesn't love their clients, they shouldn't have the right to coach them. My first priority while coaching is to love my clients and to help my clients love themselves. Without self love and acceptance of our own humanity, no lasting change can be made. My first priority with this business is to do something good for humanity as a whole and to help others do the same.

We are the heroes on our own journeys. We are not victims of the circumstances of our lives or the world around us. Yes, horrible things that shouldn't have happened have happened AND we always have a level of power we can bravely use to direct the stories of our lives and the trajectory of humanity. I coach my clients to see their power and use it.

My job is to be a mirror. I may seem direct or overly honest as I share what I see in your thinking or actions. If you are currently hitting yourself in the face with your thoughts or actions, I am the kind of coach that will stop you. Your job is to be honest with how you receive these messages and to keep your nervous system online as we explore. I am prepared to help you process any emotions that come up for you and will refer you to additional support as needed. Staying within my scope of practice is important to me.

I like to poke fun at how our brains function and find levity in the ups and downs of life. Change is easier to make if we laugh our way through the pain and awkwardness that naturally occurs as we grow. When our brain is in a relaxed state, it can also open up to new ideas more readily. Life is better when we're laughing.
Josie's Story
A friend in middle school rightfully gave me the nickname "Stress Wad." During my years long struggle to manage my chronic anxiety and busy brain with therapy, medication, and exact religious adherence, I found The Life Coach School. Instead of going on to get a masters in therapy as was my plan, I became LCS certified and used the tools I learned there to not only manage my anxiety, but also to improve the lives of thousands of clients in Get Coached, their inclusive, goal-oriented life coaching membership. During my 4 years as a contracted coach, I became the mother to my 2 sweet babies and deconstructed many of the devout religious beliefs I'd held and loved since childhood. (Hence the name of The Faith Crisis Coach Podcast.)
My experience leaving orthodoxy while raising small children, navigating a mixed faith marriage, and coaching people of all belief systems, life circumstances, and goals has made me the kind of well-rounded coach that can hold impeccable space, ask the unasked questions, and coach anybody to create results. I've also learned that the same part of me that sometimes could be described as anxious or a "stress wad" is the overused strength of sensitivity, feeling and loving deeply, that allows me to coach and teach with my whole heart.
Without the certainty I used to have about what exactly happens after life, I've become more committed to (1) serving humankind with the one life I know I have and (2) living a life that makes me feel ALIVE.
What are you committed to doing with your life?
Join us in ALIVE3 Fun Facts About Me:
1. I've ran 2 marathons, multiple half marathons, and am training for my second triathlon. I was a Spinning and strength training fitness instructor for 8 years, managed a gym, and have a bachleor's degree in Exercise and Wellness. Pushing my body to it's limits makes me feel ALIVE.
2. My first time traveling out of the country I experienced an unrelated emergency appendectomy surgery and have had quite the medical history since then. I love traveling (including solo) and have really enjoyed visiting New York City, Kawaii, Bangkok, San Juan, and Quito. Travelling and prioritizing my adventures makes me feel ALIVE.
3. My dad is the great man who taught me to face my fears. He would offer to take me on questionable Idaho Fair ferris wheels growing up and, despite my tears, I would go every time. Although still scared of heights, I opted to work at a high adventure camp in college sitting in the crows nest of a ropes course and setting people up to repel down cliffs for a summer. With repetition, I purposefully acclimated my nervous system and now I enjoy rock climbing regularly. Purposefully doing things that scare me makes me feel ALIVE.
What makes you feel ALIVE? (I want to help you fill your life with that thing.)
DM me 3 Fun Facts about You!The meaning of life is to give life meaning.
Viktor E. Frankl, author of Man's Search for Meaning