Finally Feel ALIVE Again

So many of us are walking through life according to someone else's rules. This is painful. Of course we're procrastinating on our goals -- numbing out and feeling dead inside instead. (Read: overdrinking, overeating, overInstagramining, overperfecting, overNetflixing, overpornographywatching, overhelping, overjudging, overworking, should I go on?)

ALIVE is a program that was built to support you as you go all out for your goals and life vision. It's time to take your power back and train your brain to lead your family, health, finances, spiritual life, marriage, home organization, emotional health, dating life, to do list, children, and more in a way that you feel proud of.

As you take more messy, courageous, compassionate, mindful action and start hitting your goals in spite of your fear and your circumstances, you will blow your own mind, become the leader of your life, and feel alive again.

A limited number of spots for this new coaching program are now OPEN. I want you to be a part of this. I don't want you to spend another year stuck in the same spot. Click the button to join!

Reserve Your Spot in ALIVE Today

Enjoy a Sneak Peek of ALIVE!

This is the program that includes everything I teach and access to the coaching these clients are loving.


“Thank you for understanding this so well and making it so clear and easy for me. I feel like some people just get it and you just get it.” 

“This is brilliant. This is amazing. This is awesome. I know what my work is now.” 

“Is there a way that I can just have you be my coach for these 20 minute sessions? You are excellent. I mean it. You showed me my blind spots. You are excellent.” 

“Josie! It’s so good to see you. Work your magic!”

“Thank you Josie. Have I told you how much I love you recently? Until next time.”

Join us in ALIVE

Let me help you make your vision your reality with a program that has been 3000+ clients in the making.

How I Coach

I use a mix of thought reframing, emotional processing, and action taking.

I show up holding space with uncondtional love for my clients as well as a willingness to be direct and show them part of their mind and habits that they may not have looked at before. I don't believe change can happen without discomfort. 

Some of the things I help my clients with include: 

  • Stepping out of society’s games and living lives that they will be proud of when they die. Ex. ending a lifelong battle with the number on the scale and refocusing on spending time writing that book 
  • Feeling alive again after experiencing life-changing events, grief, crisis, etc. Ex. 
  • Seeing and enjoying the magic of life
  • Breaking rules that cause them suffering and take risks because “if we’re not risking, we’re not living.” 
  • Giving meaning to their lives because “the meaning of life is to give life meaning.”
  • Realizing their power and claiming their inklings of agency
  • Loving themselves and others despite their our messy humanness while still advocating for personal, relational, and social growth.
  • Healing themselves and their corners of the world. 
  • Asking and answering questions that reveal new options.

What to Expect in ALIVE:

Private Coaching

I believe having a hybrid of private and group coaching is vital to goal achievement. We need the safety and specificity one-on-one time provides AND we need the community and normalcy group coaching provides. 

In ALIVE, we think about personal growth in a cyclical way like an athelete would think about thir training. We enjoy weekly 20 minute coaching sessions during our Goal Sprint months. (January-April and August-November)

Group Coaching

Humans are social creatures. We have mirror neurons that gather information by watching others. 

In ALIVE, we build in rest between our Goal Sprints and have weekly group coaching during the Off Season months. (May-July and December)

Life Lessons

Between my experience life coaching thousands of clients, my certifications and ongoing education, and the lessons I glean from being a life long student/reseacher of life and the human experience, I have a lot to teach and share. There are 33 lessons available in the vault when you join and more are added as I feel inspired.


I know that a major part of behavior change is accountability. We build this into the program with additional supportive measures including regular win and fail celebrations, community coworking time, and personal accountability check ins.