13. Intentional Thoughts and Mantras for Faith Crisis

It's important to choose the thoughts we practice and repeat to ourselves on purpose. We've been taught what to think about people in faith crisis and what to think during a faith crisis. The brain is currently running those in in the background like white noise. In this episode, I share 11 thoughts and mantras you can practice thinking instead as you grow through this experience.

NOTE: For the part about how to make a mantra work for you if you don't believe it yet, a simple way to take a mantra and adjust it to fit you is to add something to the beginning. Like, if it's difficult to believe "I'm not the only one" you could think "Maybe I'm not the only one" or "It's possible I'm not the only one" or "I'm considering that I might not be the only one" or "People I trust say I'm not the only one." That could help ease you into the new belief.


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